Head fo Study Program

Muhammad Arif Zuhri, Lc, M.H.I. has been the Head of the Study Program of Islamic Family Law, Faculty of Islamic Studies, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) since 2019. He has been appointed as the Head substituting the position of Idaul Hasanah, S.Ag, M.H.I., the former Head of Study Program.

He graduated from the Program of Shariah, the University of Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt. He earned his postgraduate degree from the Faculty of Shariah, the State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.

With the team that has been coordinated based on the principles and spirit of big family and democratic collaboration (gotong-royong) and supervised by the former Head of Study Program, in his period of leadership, the Study Program has succeeded to achieve its best position of accreditation (A Level) which is evaluated by the Council of National University Accrediation (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi/ BAN-PT).

In addition, the Study Program has also successfully revitalised its scientific journal, Ulumuddin: Journal of Islamic Legal Thought (its first volume, published in 1996). It has transformed to be Ulumuddin: Journal of Islamic Legal Studies, that publishes bi-annually in English.

The Study Program has developed research programs cooperating with various best universities in the world such as National University of Singapore (NUS), European University Institute (EUI) Florence-Italia, Al-Mustafa International University (MIU) Qom-Iran, AIDRAN La Trobe University Melbourne Australia and others. Currently, the Study Program has prepared to apply for its international accreditation.

Academic works of its lecturers have been published in various accredited international and national journals. The Study Program alumni have worked for various legal institutions either in the state or private sectors. It is because, our graduates have higher rates of employment.

Our students have higher rates of success in their study with distinctive grade (good and cum laude). They have been supported by some courses of legal practice, fieldwork and internship, as well as experience of leadership. These supporting programs, indeed, have encouraged them significantly to be accepted by many legal institutions for working. 

Due to the educational formulation that we have designated and implemented, and also experience of managing higher education in the specific field of law and Islamic law, our graduates have opportunities to become judge, prosecutor, advocate, lawyer, NGO workers, mediator, legal consultant, legal advisor, journalist, researcher, analyst, lecturer, bureaucrat, politician, legal drafter, and many other professional workers.

Our alumni those who have concerned about academic world, they have been already granted and awarded nationally and internationally. They have successfully become scholarship awardees and have studied in various postgraduate programs of the best universities in the world.  

In this millennial era, the revolution of technology 4.0. and post pandemic Covid-19, based on the solid collaboration and great optimism, this Study Program wants to be the one of the best institutions providing higher education program in the specific field of law, Islamic law and Islamic Family Law, in the country, region of Southeast Asia and in the world. Bismillah.