Successful Debate! Islamic Family Law Students of UMM Secure Third Place at Merak Hafara 2024

Wednesday, November 27, 2024 05:19 WIB   Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

Madura, November 26, 2024 – Another proud achievement has been made by students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). The UMM debate team secured Third Place in the National Debate Competition Merak Hafara (Milad Rakyat HBS Min Fadli Rabbi) 2024, held at Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. This national competition was participated in by dozens of teams from various universities across Indonesia.

The team, named K.H. Mas Mansyur, consisted of Galang Tito Pamungkas (Islamic Family Law, 2021), Shofwatun Nida (Islamic Family Law, 2022), and Amru Fillah (Islamic Family Law, 2022). They demonstrated exceptional analytical skills, strong arguments, and solid teamwork, making them stand out in the competition.

Complex Themes, Exciting Challenges

The debate, hosted by Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, carried the theme “The Role of Post-Zoomer Generation in Realizing Golden Indonesia 2025”, which was deemed challenging by participants.
“The theme was quite broad and complex, requiring us to define many variables to ensure our arguments were relevant and strong,” said Shofwatun Nida. “However, it also offered an opportunity to explore deep and creative ideas,” she added.

Winning Strategies

When asked about their strategy, Amru Fillah explained, “We focused on clear task distribution within the team. I usually handled data processing and main arguments, Mas Galang refined the rhetoric, while Nida concentrated on crafting the closing arguments and rebuttals. Teamwork and mutual trust were the key elements of our success.”

Intensive Preparation and Valuable Lessons

Thorough preparation was a crucial factor in the success of the K.H. Mas Mansyur team.
“We practiced regularly, although it was less than optimal because the motion topics were only released two days before the competition, late at night. Additionally, we conducted debate simulations with guidance from the Sharia Lab Team,” explained Hana Pratiwi.

Beyond winning, the competition provided valuable lessons.
“From this event, we learned the importance of critical thinking and teamwork. Personally, I also gained more confidence in presenting my ideas in front of many people,” said Nida.

This achievement marks the beginning of the UMM team’s journey to shine even brighter.
“We hope to compete at a higher level, maybe even internationally, and bring pride to the Islamic Family Law Study Program and UMM,” said Amru enthusiastically.

Congratulations to the Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang debate team! May this success be the first step toward even greater achievements in the future. (NM).
