In supporting the lecture process, BIFL uses the facilities provided by the university. BIFL uses several spaces that are shared with other study programmes within the Faculty of Islamic Studies. Here are some of the facilities available in BIFL, namely:
1. Sharia Laboratory. The Study Program also utilizes the Sharia Laboratory with a pseudo-Meeting Room as a place for practicum events. There are 4 procedural courses that utilize pseudo-courtrooms including: Civil Procedural Law, Religious Court Procedural Law, Criminal Procedure Law, and Statutory Science. The moot courtroom is located at GKB 3 on the 5th floor in room 515. This room is equipped with judges' tables and chairs, chairs for litigants, audience chairs, LCDs, layer projectors and large cabinets to store items used in pseudo-trial proceedings.
2. Computer Laboratory. Study Program also utilizes an integrated Computer Lab in learning ICT (Information and Communication technology) Islamic studies. This lab has 40 computers that are representative used as learning media for Islamic studies in the Islamic Studies Faculty.
3. Gallery Falakiyah. BIFL has several props and telescopes for observation of celestial objects which are used in the science practicum.
4. Interactive Studio. This studio is used in Ipod broadcaster activities (podcasts) that support ICT courses for Islamic Studies.