UMM has three campuses situated in Malang, Indonesia. BIFL is located in UMM Campus III, which currently has 167 classrooms. The classrooms are mainly situated in four main buildings, GKB 1, 2, 3, and 4. Lecture and meeting building facilities at UMM are used for all faculties and study programmes. UMM also provides WiFi and internet hotspots in all areas of GKBs. It supports lecture activities, student discussions, research and any other academic or even student club activities. Each GKB is also facilitated with two elevators, which is also equipped with a wheelchair ramp for students with special needs. UMM provides a prayer room, a quiet room, a nursing room and toilets in each building.
In addition, UMM also provides students with facilities to support academic activities, such as a main library, ICT labs, a health center, a counseling center, sport facilities, and student dormitories. The university has provided 8 Buggy Club Cars, which operate free of charge for the entire academic community, including students with disabilities. The existence of the Buggy Club Car makes it easier for students with disabilities to access from the main gate of campus to the elevators at GKB 1 and 4.
Literature access can be done at the facilities provided by the study programme or university, namely:
1. UMM Central Library. It is located next to the UMM Helipad, with operating hours starting from 7 a.m – 9 p.m. It has a collection of literature in the form of books, journals, paid electronic journals, and databases that students can borrow or freely access. In total, it has more than 75,000 titles. In addition, it is equipped with facilities such as photocopiers, canteens, prayer rooms, air conditioning, toilets, and free Wi-Fi throughout the Central Library area (Library | University of Muhammadiyah Malang ( UMM Central Library periodically holds introductory sessions for new students and workshops (e.g., academic writing and reference management) to improve students' academic literacy. The library has nine (9) qualified librarians (i.e., three are certified) to help students access, locate and obtain physical and digital resources for their study and research. Further details regarding services and how to access the library resources and collections can be accessed via
2. AR Fachruddin Mosque Library. It is located on the 2nd floor. This library provides Islamic and Muhammadiyah literature, which students can access offline from 08 a.m. – 5 p.m on weekdays.
3. Online Access. The UMM Central Library offers easy online access for all students and lecturers and is also connected to the Indonesian Digital Library Network (IDLN), making it easier to access journals from various universities throughout Indonesia. UMM Central Library has Laser technology (The Library Automatic Services) which helps students access the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) ( or ( , which can be accessed anywhere and free of charge. The Laser system can be accessed via, and it provides students and lecturers with an online application called MyUMM Library ( The application enables users to check collection availability, loan status, and renewing loans. It also provides users with a suggestion box feature to help users give feedback and suggestions on the improvements of the application and the item collection.
4. In addition, the available database provided by the UMM Library is ProQuest (, GALE (, and Indonesian National Library (
Furthermore, UMM has an academic resources procurement procedure. First, a study programme every semester provides a list of new books needed to the Academic Administration Bureau (BAAIK). Then, BAAIK asks the UMM Central Library to check the availability of the books, including the number of copies needed in the study programme. Next, the requested books are procured by the library and BAAIK. Moreover, a study programme can improve the library collection by collaborating with UMM Press (the university press) to publish books or other academic resources as teaching and learning materials.
The latest literature related to journals for social science can be updated through which is a subscription access owned by the UMM library. In total there are 145 new collections owned by the UMM library ( There are 3 certified librarians and 9 people who graduated as librarians. There are a number of services provided by the library. Among them are administration, information services, processing, circulation and digital libraries.