UMM believes that students should get the opportunity to activate their multidisciplinary competencies and skills by involving them in compulsory and extra-curricular activities such as new students orientation, Personality and Leadership Development Training (P2KK), and community services. The community service programme in UMM is entitled Community Service by Students (PMM). It has several schemes that students can take, for instance Regular PMM, International PMM, and Muhammadiyah-based PMM.
In the process of academic mentoring and guidance, BIFL utilizes the website provided by the university which provides easy access for students who want to consult, make payments to program the study plan to be taken. The academic guidance process by supervised lecturers is carried out every semester to ensure that students of each batch choose and program courses wisely. KRS online is carried out by direct meetings or online then students are guided to program courses that are entitled to be chosen according to the number of credits allowed. If the student gets a cumulative score in the previous semester > 3.5 then he is entitled to 24 credits while < 3.5 he is entitled to 22 credits.
A final project workshop process is first carried out and then a thesis coaching clinic is carried out by each supervisor appointed by the head of the study programme. Furthermore, the thesis process is carried out by mentoring each by supervisors in their respective groups. As for the internship mentoring process, the Sharia Laboratory divides several groups with each field assistant lecturer. Furthermore, the mentoring process is carried out offline and online through