The Islamic Family Law Study Program Holds a Management Review Meeting

Saturday, November 02, 2024 08:53 WIB   Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

The Islamic Family Law Study Program (HKI) of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, held a Management Review Meeting on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies along with Vice Deans I, II, and III, the Head of the HKI Study Program, the Secretary of the Study Program, the Head of the Laboratory, and all HKI lecturers. Held in the Faculty of Islamic Studies meeting room, the meeting aimed to evaluate the performance of the study program and formulate future development plans.

In his opening remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Prof. Dr. Khozin, M.Si., emphasized the importance of the meeting as a strategic forum to strengthen the academic and managerial quality of the study program. “This management review meeting serves as a moment of evaluation and reflection for all of us to continuously improve the quality of education, research, and community service,” he stated.

The Head of the HKI Study Program, M. Arif Zuhri, presented the performance evaluation of the study program over the past year. Key points highlighted included the study program's accreditation achievements, student enrollment growth, increased academic publications by lecturers, and student activities supporting the HKI Study Program's vision. M. Arif Zuhri also proposed several innovative plans, such as strengthening collaboration programs with external institutions and developing a curriculum tailored to job market demands.

The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Saiful Amien, M.Pd., added that the HKI Study Program holds great potential to compete both nationally and internationally. He emphasized the need for synergy among all elements within the faculty to achieve this vision. “Collaboration is the key to achieving the targets that have been set,” he stressed.

All meeting participants provided input regarding the evaluation and development of the study program. Several lecturers proposed new ideas, such as organizing regular international seminars and improving laboratory facilities to support practice-based learning. The discussions were interactive, with various constructive ideas expected to strengthen the HKI Study Program's position in the future.

The meeting concluded with a summary delivered by the Head of the HKI Study Program. He expressed his appreciation to all participants for their contributions and shared commitment to advancing the study program. “The results of this meeting will serve as a foundation for us to formulate better strategic steps in the future,” concluded M. Arif Zuhri, Lc., M.H.I.
