HKI Study Program Holds Work Meeting, Evaluation and Preparation for 2023 Work Program

Sunday, February 19, 2023 23:40 WIB   Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

The Islamic Family Law (HKI) Study Program held its 2023 Work Meeting (RAKER) at the Rooftop Rayz Hotel UMM on Monday, February 20, 2023. The Work Meeting is an annual event organized by the HKI Study Program. The event was attended by the academic community, including the lecturers of Islamic Family Law, as well as the Head of the Syariah Laboratory of the HKI Study Program and their staff.

In order to achieve the goals of the HKI Study Program as an accountable, credible, transparent, fair, effective, and efficient organization, the program must apply the principles of Good University Governance for good management, quality enhancement, and institutional strengthening.

The HKI Study Program prepares its Work Program and Budget Revenue and Expenditure (APB) based on the principles of accountability, credibility, transparency, fairness, effectiveness, and efficiency, using a bottom-up approach as part of its routine annual agenda. This Work Meeting serves as a forum for discussing the preparation of work programs that have been implemented and those that will be carried out in the next semester. The work program, as a result of this meeting, provides a clearer picture of the relationship between development priorities, policy directions, achievement strategies, and the programs and activities of each field that will be carried out with the available resources and budget allocation.

During the HKI Study Program’s work meeting, the following work programs were evaluated:

  1. Evaluation of Odd Semester 2022/2023 Activities presented by the Head of the Study Program, M. Arif Zuhri.
  2. Planning of HKI Study Program Activities for the Even Semester 2022/2023.
  3. Journal report of the HKI Study Program (Jurnal Ulumuddin) by the Secretary of the Study Program, Soni Zakaria.
  4. Report on Syariah Laboratory Activities presented by the Head of the Laboratory, R. Tanzil Fawaiq Sayyaf.
  5. Report on LSP Scheme by Idaul Hasanah.

“This work meeting is one of the ways to unify perceptions and thoughts in order to move this Study Program forward. The work programs prepared here are not just in the form of activity ideas, but also their implementation which will bring benefits to the institution. This forum is a space for sharing ideas from all the lecturers of the HKI Study Program, which can then be channeled through networking and collaboration,” said Saiful Amien, Vice Dean 2 of FAI UMM, in his closing message.

By holding this work meeting, it is hoped that a good planning, implementation, evaluation, control, and academic development process will be established within the HKI Study Program for the year 2023. (LA)
