Congratulations, HKI Study Program Achieves 1st Place in the Category of Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah) for Bachelor's Degree in Law

Friday, January 20, 2023 23:14 WIB   Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

Based on the Science Technology Index (Sinta) ranking, the Islamic Family Law (HKI) Study Program of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (FAI-UMM) has once again achieved 1st place in the Public Publication Performance ranking for the category of Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah) among both Public and Private Universities in Indonesia for the year 2023.

The public publication performance refers to the number of articles and the quality of their content, particularly in the form of scientific articles. The HKI Study Program at UMM has published 6 articles indexed in Scopus Q1, 4 articles in Scopus Q2, 1 article in Scopus Q3, and 1 article in Scopus Q4, as well as 1 publication categorized as Scopus Non-Article. Additionally, there are 25 Scopus Citations, 7 Scopus Documents cited, 4 articles indexed in Web of Science (core), and 2 Web of Science articles that have been cited.

The HKI Study Program at UMM has an overall Sinta score of 4.211 and a 3-year Sinta score of 2.840. Based on this data, the HKI Study Program at UMM ranks at the top of 247 HKI Study Programs across both Public and Private Universities in Indonesia. Following this, the next highest ranks were achieved by the HKI Study Program of the University of Islam Malang (2nd place), Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra (3rd place), State Islamic University Raden Intan Lampung (4th place), and the Islamic University of Bandung (5th place), making up the top five.

At the internal level within Muhammadiyah University of Malang, the HKI Study Program is ranked 10th. The ten programs above it include the Food Technology Program (9th), Psychology Program (8th), Accounting Program (7th), Indonesian Language Education Program (6th), Management Program (5th), Industrial Engineering Program (4th), Biology Education Program (3rd), Public Administration Program (2nd), and at the top is the Informatics Program.

This achievement proves that UMM, as a leading private university in Indonesia, excels in research and scientific publication. As such, the programs carried out at the Study Program and University levels are performance-oriented, with the expectation that graduates, lecturers, and students of the program can continue to contribute effectively to this success. (LA)
