FAI UMM Doctoral Colloquium Presents Three Experts in Their Fields

Wednesday, June 15, 2022 22:19 WIB   Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, the Faculty of Islamic Studies held a doctoral colloquium at the FAI Auditorium, 6th Floor, Building III, UMM. The doctoral colloquium is an academic tradition that has long been practiced, especially at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. The emergence of new doctoral graduates in the Faculty of Islamic Studies is a great joy, as it indirectly strengthens the academic quality of FAI UMM. Additionally, the increase in the quality of academic resources in terms of faculty members also impacts the improvement of accreditation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Therefore, with the presence of these new doctors, this doctoral colloquium was held as part of the academic outreach of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.

This 2022 FAI UMM Doctoral Colloquium was held in two waves. The first wave featured three experts in their respective fields. The first expert was Dr. Syamsurizal Yazid, M.A., a lecturer in the Islamic Family Law program, who specializes in the field of legal exegesis. The second expert was Dr. Rahmad Hakim, M.MA., a lecturer in the Shariah Economics program, who specializes in Islamic economics. The third expert was Dr. Achmad Tito Rusady, S.S., M.Pd., a lecturer in the Arabic Language Education program, specializing in Arabic language studies. The second wave of the colloquium will present experts in the field of Islamic Religious Education.

In the first wave of the doctoral colloquium, each speaker presented on topics related to their field of expertise. Dr. Syamsurizal Yazid, M.A., discussed the theme of conflict management between husband and wife according to the Qur'an. Dr. Rahmad Hakim, M.MA, presented on the theme of uncovering the meaning of trust in the management of zakat funds according to zakat collectors.

The third speaker, Dr. Achmad Tito Rusady, M.Pd., presented on the development of teaching materials for Arabic writing skills based on collocations. The comparison speaker for the colloquium was Prof. Dr. Uril Bahruddin, M.A., a Professor from Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Malang. The event was moderated by Mr. M. Arif Zuhri, Lc., M.HI.

This lively event was attended by approximately 500 participants, including faculty members from the Faculty of Islamic Studies and all students from FAI UMM. The event also invited external participants, including teachers from Muhammadiyah schools across Malang, ranging from elementary to high school levels. (sz)
